Monday, January 1, 2007

The New Year Journey

This time of year many of us are doing some sort of planning for the year ahead -- I know I am. Thinking about what I need to have happen, what I would like to see happen and want I WANT to have happen. And a little planning goes a long way toward making that happen.

This year I'm a bit more determined than usual. Why? Because 2006 ranks up there as having been one of the saddest and most challenging years. Notice I didn't say worst? It can't be all bad if I'm learning and growing through it. And I refuse to go into survival mode -- just waiting - wishing it would change.

That's why I want to set goals - not make resolutions. Most resolutions are broken by the 3rd week of January never to be resurrected. And that's not going to do me (or you) any good. So I'm taking some time to think and dream and plan and talk to God about what's going on - how I am doing - physically, mentally, emotionally, I where I ought to be? Are there areas where I am just getting by - just surviving?

That's where I'll be spending the next couple of days - some quiet time - reflecting, talking - reading - praying. Making sure I have a plan to go from simply getting by to actually living.

How about you? Do you set goals? Make resolutions? Do you think - really think - about whether you are getting by or really living?

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